Reading a thousand books
is not as good as walking a thousand kilometers
Walking a thousand kilometers brings us into contact with other people, their culture and their uniqueness. We exchange us and grow together. Everyone gives their best. Just like us, our Chinese friends are already looking forward to our visit and are preparing something for us. The feeling for each other is already there.
“One person can fry fish, then another comes and brings pork. Lao Lao Mai Mai means, then let’s see what we can do together.”
This is how we understood Master Li
We do Lao Lao Mai Mai in China: eat, laugh, share joy and learn from each other. Culture to culture, person to person and heart to heart. We create new connections, our space gets bigger and we get more energy. Luckily, friends are already there to welcome us and connect us further with their friends. Xiabao, Yang, Xing and Daosheng accompany us. Daoming has made some new connections on his journey with Mdm. Lin has made some new connections that we can build on.
“We bring our joy with us and that means healing. We exchange us, we bring our experiences and our knowledge and receive the good things from our Chinese friends and bring everything back to Germany. We make this journey for healing and education.” Master Dean Li
Would you like to come along, experience Lao Lao Mai Mai, share your joy and your best?
You can travel with us or connect spiritually with this journey.
When?: January 30 to February 13, 2025
Where to?:
Our first stop is Foshan. There are various apartments in the immediate vicinity of the new FuQi House where we will be staying. From there we will make excursions and smaller trips to Guangzhou and Fujian province. You will receive details about the destinations and places of stay directly from us. The program is still being put together by Xiabao, Yang, Xing, DaoSheng and DaoMing in consultation with Master Li and us.
Who organizes?
The trip is a project in cooperation with DEAN life international and Foundation for Globalization Cooperation. It is organized in cooperation with Daosheng, Daoming, Xiabao, Yang and the DEAN Institute. The DEAN Center is responsible for the spiritual-energetic level.
What does the trip cost?
- The flight is booked by the participants themselves. If you want to fly together with Tasso or Sebastian, the flights are: 30.01. 17:35 from Munich via Amsterdam or 18:45 from Hamburg via Amsterdam, arrival: 16:10 in Guangzhou; return flight 13.2.25 at 12:50 from Guangzhou via Amsterdam to Hamburg, arrival: 21:45
- Cost of the trip on request
- Please enquire about costs for the spiritual journey
You can get all further information via reise@deaninstitut.de